Monday 30 January 2017

OUGD602 - Project Evaluation

This module has been my favourite of the year. Throughout the year PPP has been focusing about us and we have been learning more about ourselves. This year we have the chance to brand ourselves out and start getting used to the real world. 

A lot of positives happened for me throughout PPP. I have gained a bigger understanding of myself, the industry and where I see myself in the future. I have been working under Blood Brother since my internship. I went for a two week internship at Blood Brother and have learnt a lot of new techniques, methods and a bigger understanding of fashion design.  Since Blood Brother, I believe my quality of work has improved and I am getting more positive responses from clients that I have worked with. Blood Brother has taught me to be patient and to prepare myself for the industry as it is not easy. However, although the two weeks at Blood Brother were tough, it was an experience I won't forget. I am happy to say that Blood Brother have asked me to come back and work a further 3 months under their internship. 

In general I honestly didn't really struggle with PPP at all this year. It has been more of a pleasure than a challenge. Although I prefer working under difficult pressure, it was nice that I was already working with clients throughout the year which only made it easier to achieve my goals for PPP.  I believe the practical side of my business cards has been something that I have gained in the past year and have really enjoyed working with. I have working closely with a student from Leeds who works under a print company. I will be designing some designs for them in the foreseeable future which could mean more clients. 

I have really genuinely enjoyed working towards PPP and understanding my style and creativity. I have developed my own style which is something that I wrote in my first year that I thought I didn't have at the time. I have been working closely with clients throughout the year and have been aiming high towards starting my own clothing label. 

To conclude, I believe I am ready to start my jouney after university. I am prepared in terms of brand identity as well as having a steady client base towards Graphic Design. I intend to stick to Graphic Design within a more Fashion Design industry. I am looking forward to working with Blood Brother after university and I am grateful to the university for teaching me to be personal, professional with a self practice. 

Monday 16 January 2017

OUGD602 - Personal interests - Personal social media

Social media marketing helps to validate your brand. A company's social media presence, when done correctly, tells consumers that their brand is active and focused on thriving communication with consumers. ... Social media marketing has the power to increase customer loyalty.

Social media posts can be used to drive targeted traffic

Using social media for business boosts your site’s SEO. Search engine crawlers know which pages are consistently earning traffic and which are just floating out there, forgotten and ignored.

You can also use social media as a tool for connecting with complementary, non-competing businesses, thought leaders and tastemakers in your space, as well as journalists who cover your industry. Sometimes, becoming besties starts with a simple retweet.

One of the reasons social media is important is because of the highly customisable nature of social media ads. Facebook ads, for example, allow you to target users by things like location, education level, industry and even purchase history and the pages they’ve liked.

You can respond to problems immediately. If there’s a problem with your product or service, you want to know about it right away. With the feedback you get in the process of social media marketing, you’ll be the first to know when there are issues – and you can take steps to resolve them right away.

I personally use Gmail, Instagram and Snapchat as my source of social media.

Gmail is useful because I keep in contact with Blood Brother and my clients 

Instagram is my main source of social media. Instagram is quick to understand and easy to visualise an identity through. I use Instagram because you can quickly respond and message other people with similar interests and professions. Instagram can be used as pinterest as you can gather a lot of knowledge of current trends and styles, which is perfect for someone who wants to work within the graphic/fashion design industry. 

Quick responses to people who like and comment on your designs using hashtags to find relevant/similar interests