Friday 17 April 2015


When I first went on the website I thought it was very neat and well organised. The website first caught my eye because it was very bold with various images changing every 10 seconds showing off their work. Their work is again very vibrant, unique and original.  The website is very elegant, creative and minimal making me want look through the website. I like how their work is very strong with colours and looks very futuristic. The work is very eye catching, imaginative and sharp. It’s sharp in the way that the colours stand out and almost look 3D. I like how the website has a news feed of their recent activity at the bottom being very informative.  A lot of their work is very expressive and uses warm colours to present this.  The aim of the website is to inform the clients of their work and what work they do. The type is very bold at the top where it shows their variation of work such as advertising, branding, digital and about them. The things that the studio has done successful is that it is all very sharp and almost comes out of the page. This is something that I would like to attempt as it looks very futuristic and looks neat.

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