Wednesday 22 April 2015

Biblioteque Studio

When I first went on their website I found it interesting that they have a slide of their work. This makes the website seem a bit more live and proactive. The website it itself is very simple and easy to use and has a brief overview of what they are and what they do as a design agency. I like how their work is very simple yet very  eye catching.  Their work seems to be very warm and natural and everything ties itself together to work as a whole. I also like how their work isn’t just graphic design related and works around sculptures, books, ribbons and fashion design studios. Their work is very vibrant, simple and creative. The aspects that I would use in my work is how simple and effective their work looks. Their work is also very vibrant which makes me want to look further into their website. I also like how on their website they have a little link to each of their work for example; branding & identity, digital & web, posters and many more. A lot of their posters are very fresh and eye catching and use a lot of overlay to enhance their work.  I really enjoyed looking at this studio because it is very simple and eye catching.

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