Wednesday 2 March 2016

Omnium Solutions - Client work

Here are some mock ups that I created with Omnium Solution. I sat down the lawyer who owns this company and started designing for him. Within an hour of showing his some mock ups he loved it. He was very satisfied with the results of the business cards as he had some very old tacky ones that weren't very good quality. 
I have also designed for Omnium Solution a logo that I am still on the way to get copyright. This is a process that I am not yet aware of but would like to learn in the future. 

The inspiration for this business card came from what Rohan (the lawyer) was wearing. I asked him is it a tradition to be wearing suits in a law firm and he replied yes. Therefore I had to create something that could easily be recognisable but also clever. I created a logo which could be seen as a tie to a shirt or as a fountain pen. 
After discussing the logo we sat down and I showed him 3 versions of different layouts that I had done for him. 

Here are two of them. 

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