Saturday 5 March 2016

Personal business cards

My business cards have changed a lot from last year. Now that I have a style I want to put it across all my work so that it reflects who I am as a person. On normal days I only stick to wearing black and this is something that I think would outline within my business cards. I also wanted to keep it simplistic to not over complicate things for the client. I want it to have my information at the top so that there could be space to write anything below. In general, I am very happy with my selection of business cards and I hope to use them soon to give out to clients. 

Here is an example of my favourite business card. The logo at the front almost looks as if it is coming out at you. I believe if I had more time and more printing money I would go and buy some foiling and try to play around with the logo being foiled. However on the back of my business card I have left a lot of white space. This white space is incase I need to write something on my business card  that I may have missed out on when speaking to a client. I want to show the client that I am imaginative and that I am always listening to them. This way if I miss something out I can just put it on the back of the business card for my client to remind himself later. 

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